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ARIDLL and Job Shadowing in Thessaloniki Greece 15th Primary school of Evosmos Greece, hosted the Job Shadowing mobility of the Erasmus+ project: 2023-1-TR01-KA121-SCH-000163860-18726-88610 on 11th-15th November 2024.  A group of four teachers from Tuzla in Istanbul, Turkey took part in a variety of activities related to developing their ICT skills, navigating and using digital tools [...]
ARIDLL at the 10th Panhellenic Etwinning Conference in Athens The Members of the ARIDLL consortium presented a paper at the 10th Panhellenic Etwinning Conference in Athens, Greece on 8th-10th of November 2024. Title: ‘The Use of Augmented Reality in English Language Teaching: An Innovative Educational Approach within the Framework of the European Erasmus+ ARIDLL Program’ [...]
ARIDLL at the EuroCALL conference 2024 The ARIDLL consortium presented a paper at the EuroCALL conference held in Trnava, Slovakia on 26 - 29 August 2024! Article Title: Enhancing Language Teaching with Augmented Reality: Insights from the ARIDLL project by Alice Gruber, Anke Berns, and Mikhail Fominykh Abstract: Augmented Reality (AR) enhances reality by incorporating [...]
ARIDLL at the 12th European Conference on Language Learning 2024 in London The Members of the ARIDLL consortium virtually presented a paper at the 12th European Conference on Language Learning in London, UK on 11th -15th of July 2024 Title: Exploring Augmented Reality Instruction in the English Language Classroom by Angeliki Voreopoulou, 15th Primary School [...]
ARIDLL at the 1st Pedagogical Conference on ‘Teaching and Learning: Current Challenges and Perspectives’ The Members of the ARIDLL consortium presented a paper at the 1st Pedagogical Conference ‘Teaching and Learning: Current Challenges and Perspectives’ held in Thessaloniki, Greece on 18th-19th of June 2024, which was organised by the Directorate of Primary Education of Western Thessaloniki The presentation [...]
ARIDLL in ELT News Magazine ELT NEWS is the only magazine in Greece that reports on developments regarding language teaching around the world. ELT NEWS has been published every month, since March 1989 and has been serving the FL teaching community in Greece for more than a quarter of a century. 'Immersive English Language Learning' [...]
ARIDLL at the one-day conference ‘Children in the digital world: Challenges and opportunities in Education The Members of the ARIDLL consortium presented virtually at the One-day Conference Today ‘Children in the digital world: Challenges and opportunities in Education’ organised by #helpa a non-profit educational organisation in Patra Greece on 18th of May 2024 and shared [...]
Second ARIDLL expert workshop hosted by Cyprus University of Technology - Press ReleaseArticle The second expert workshop was organized by ARIDLL (Augmented Reality Instructional Design for Language Learning), an EU-funded project to explore and consolidate best practices of applying Augmented Reality technology to language learning. Partners from 6 different countries joined the workshop, among those [...]
First ARIDLL workshop Cyprus - Press ReleaseArticle Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus Interaction Lab and Language Centre) and the University of Cyprus (Language Centre and Kios Research and Innovation Centre) has successfully hosted the Augmented Reality Instructional Design for Language Learning (ARIDLL) workshop on Wednesday July 7th, 2023. The workshop brought together language educators, technologists, [...]
ARIDLL team is ready to advance Language Learning with Augmented Reality! Kicking off the project with an expert workshop at the IMTEL lab of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway!