Augmented Reality Instructional Design for Language Learning – ARIDLL project builds a partnership and a professional community to address the need for digital innovation in foreign language learning. Our objectives are to enable effective language teaching with Augmented Reality, to build capacity among language teachers to become proficient users and creators of augmented reality educational materials, and to improve the quality of language education overall.
ARIDLL project
Objectives, Implementation, Results, Duration, Goals, Structure
We will build an interdisciplinary expert team through two expert workshops, develop teacher guidelines and recommendations for augmented reality developers. We will train teachers and learning designers locally and online. We will facilitate foreign language teachers in developing augmented reality learning materials and integrating them to classes across Europe. We will evaluate the results of this integration and present the results to the practitioners and the research community.
We will jointly develop and publish open instructional design guides for language learning with augmented reality. We will also develop technical recommendations for augmented reality technology design so that it can better support foreign language learning. We will create new augmented reality language learning materials for school pupils, university students and adult learners, studying different languages. We will publish a compendium of practices and scenarios documenting our experience.
36 months (01.09.2022-31.08.2025)
Objective 1. To enable effective language teaching with AR by…
- developing instructional design guides for language learning with AR;
- developing technical recommendations for AR tools to support language learning.
Objective 2. To facilitate capacity building among language teachers to become professional AR users and creators of AR educational materials by…
- organising workshops for language teachers and instructional designers on AR use in language teaching and content authoring;
- developing AR language learning materials by multidisciplinary teams of experts in languages and AR.
Objective 3. To improve the quality of language education across Europe by…
- developing various AR instructional design resources specific to language education;
- piloting AR language learning content in multiple courses in diverse contexts.
WP1 Project management
This work package includes regular day-to-day project management and control over the quality of results.
WP2 Development of Augmented Reality instructional design methods for language teachers
- to develop instructional design guides for language learning with AR;
- to develop technical recommendations for AR tools to support language learning.
WP2 overall aims to bring together the experts in all fields related to the project and to combine all expertise to fill the gap between the technical (AR and AR-based learning) expertise on one side and the instructional design (and in particular in language education) expertise on the other side. This cross- and multi-disciplinary collaboration will allow us to contribute to two fields at the same time: to make better instructions for the teachers and to make better requirements for the technology developers. Both contributions have a clear potential to go beyond the state-of-the-art and advance research in the area.
WP3 Design and development of Augmented Reality language learning content
- to train language teachers and instructional designers in the design and use of AR materials in language education;
- to design seven AR language learning content modules for diverse target groups and languages.
WP3 overall aims to onboard educators (in the consortium team and wider partner organisations), present them the theory and practice of AR-based learning, provide hands-on practical instructions, and most importantly, guide them in their own creative design of AR materials and activities. We aim to recruit and bring onboard curious educators and turn them into creators and proficient users. We aim to facilitate this process by organising experience-sharing activities in a small community of practice.
WP4 Delivery and evaluation of Augmented Reality language learning courses
- to evaluate the AR materials created in the project in two cycles of pilots with diverse target groups;
- to present the practices and scenarios of AR instructional design for language learning for the community.
Overall, WP4 aims to facilitate the use of AR materials in the real teaching environments. We aim to observe these practices to note what works and what does not work, how to facilitate the process if it is needed. We want to document the processes and share each scenario and practice in an accessible form of a compendium for all members of the ARIDLL community of practice.
WP5 Communication, outreach, and dissemination
- to reach out to stakeholders of all identified target groups of the project with a communication message;
- to disseminate project results widely and openly.
Overall, this WP includes typical branding, communication, and dissemination. We have not made a specific plan, given the limited resources, but identified the guiding principles for both communication and dissemination.
The communication is to be done targeting the identified target groups with specific messages. The goal is to attract new members to the ARIDLL community of practice, raise awareness about AR teaching, invite participants to the online workshop, and to promote the results of the project.
The dissemination is to be done as soon as the results are completed. We plan to use open CC licences and publish all tangible (digital) results as OER. We plan to publish them on the project website, in OER databases, and AR content stores. We plan to additionally disseminate the results in online professional communities, utilising the networks of all partners.